How Pennsylvania Ranks Among Best States To Date

Fact Checked by Thomas Leary

If you live in Philadelphia or in Pittsburgh or somewhere in-between, and you’re spending your Saturday nights alone, you may want to do a little self-inventory. You see, according to -- which used a fistful of analytical tools to figure it out all – Pennsylvania is one of the best states for dating in America. Curious how, typically home to all news around Pennsylvania online casinos, got here? 

Here’s how that was calculated: not only covers online gambling in Pennsylvania but we used data from Google Trends, Statista, and Forbes Business in order to create a weighted ranking by which to rate states for dating. 

The data sources were: Statista to find the percentage of single-person households in each state; Google Trends for average search volumes of inquiries such as, “date ideas,” “first date activities near me,” and “florists near me” by state, and finally, Forbes Business for data on the average annual income for a single persons in each state. All this data was combined to create’s very own “Dating Index”.

Best and Worst States For Dating

Rank State Dating Index (51 max)
1 DC 48.33
2 ND 40.67
3 RI 37.70
4 WY 37.67
5 AL 36.33
6 OH 34.67
7 NY 33.33
8 NE 32.67
9 IL 32.33
10 MN 32.25
11 PA 32
12 VT 31.70
13 MI 31.67
14 ME 31.33
15 MA 29.33
16 NH 29.25
17 DE 29.15
18 MO 29.67
19 WV 28.33
20 AL 28.50
21 SD 28.33
22 HI 27.67
23 MD 27.33
24 OK 26.33
25 WI 26
26 CT 25.67
27 AZ 25
28 VA 24.70
29 MT 24.67
30 NC 24.33
T31 NM 24
T31 LA 24
33 WA 23.75
34 CO 23.67
35 KS 23.33
36 TN 22.67
37 UT 22
38 NJ 21.67
39 AR 21
40 GA 20.67
41 IA 19
42 ID 18.67
43 CA 18.50
44 OR 18.33
45 TX 18
46 FL 17.33
47 MS 17
48 IN 14.67
49 SC 12.67
50 KY 12.33
51 NV 11.67

Pennsylvania Well Above Average For Dating

When all the states were broken down and their romance-associated data was crunched, what came out were rankings that indicated Pennsylvania was No. 11, well above average, in the Best Dating States sweepstakes.

The District of Columbia was first, followed by North Dakota, second and Rhode Island, third. The Keystone State’s Dating Index number was 32.0, which, as mentioned, was No. 11 right behind Minnesota’s 32.25 score and just ahead of Nebraska, Illinois and Minnesota who were all in the 31-and-some-fraction category. And despite the “Virginia is for Lovers” slogan, Virginia was a mediocre No. 28.

As far as where to spend such a date in Pennsylvania, let your imagination run wild. Museums, restaurants, historical sights, sports events, amusement parks, plays, concerts,  jazz clubs -- Pennsylvania has it all. You may be interested to know that they even have casinos in Pennsylvania, 17 in all, located in every corner of the commonwealth. You can stay here on for PA casino bonuses, as well.

Interestingly, arguably the most famous figure associated with Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin (yeah, we know he was born in Boston but he’s a Philly guy through and through) had a defining thought on relationships and romance.  It’s really called the “Benjamin Franklin Effect” and it involves getting both parties to be invested in a relationship. Translated to dating, that means getting both parties to contribute some effort in a dating experience should give the date a better chance to succeed. And how successful is the Franklin Effect? Well, read about Ben’s love life sometime and learn.

If you enjoyed this piece, make time for some of our other lifestyle articles as well, such as: Who Are the Most-Searched Celebrities in PA?

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Bill Ordine

A longtime reporter and editor who began writing on casinos and gaming shortly after Atlantic City’s first gambling halls opened, Bill covered the world Series of Poker and wrote a syndicated column on travel to casino destinations for a decade.

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